Consultants in Logistics
A division of Davies & Robson Supply Chain Consultants

Organisational Development

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Organisational Development

Organisational Review & Development

Business is a team game.  Individuals may come up with winning ideas but delivery is almost always down to a team.  This is particularly the case with logistics activities where the logistics chain is only as strong as your weakest link and success is often dependent on a whole range of people spread over a wide geographical area. Successful logistics operations rely on ensuring that your organisations structure meets the operational requirement and is resourced by individuals with the necessary skills, aptitude and motivation.

Structure & Resourcing

Davies & Robson provides an Organisational Review service to assess the current supply chain organisation skills and structure, and determine the optimum requirement for its future development.

Our directors and senior consultants have all held positions in industry, managing operations, and are well placed to advise you on both organisational structure and resourcing.  Organisational Review & Development therefore consists of the following: 

Organisational Structure

A review of the operational task to determine how your management team and workforce should be organised to undertake the logistics task and meet the required service level in the most cost effective way. Activities involved could include warehousing functions, transport planning and control, stock planning and management, etc. Consideration will also need to be given to shift cover required, available systems and the functional support from outside the immediate operation. Your organisations structure should be capable of providing a consistent level of service taking into account peaks and troughs and sickness and holidays. Consideration should be given to how roles are used to develop individuals to achieve the next level of responsibility.

Roles & Responsibilities

With the structure defined and agreed the next step is to prepare Job Descriptions and Personal Profiles for each of the positions within your organisational structure. Personal Profiles aim to capture the ideal mix of skills, experience and personal characteristics necessary to carry out the role, this document will prove invaluable in recruiting people from outside the organisation.

Personal Assessment

We can undertake structured interviews with your existing personnel to confirm their suitability for the role and identify any training or development needs. Providing the person has the necessary aptitude it is usually lower risk than external recruiting. If necessary, we can undertake psychometric evaluation, this is not usually necessary for existing employees whose personality characteristics are already known.

Development Plan

Once personal assessments have taken place we will provide a detailed organisational review which will consider whether changes need to be made to the roles and responsibilities of individuals, the skills and experience necessary to be brought in to complement the team, and personal development required.

Get in touch

In most cases, only a few limited changes can have a significant impact on an under performing team, if required we can provide training and personal counselling and mentoring. Speak to a consultant on 01327 220862 or email

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